Corporation of the City of Cambridge

Council Meeting

Meeting #:
, 5:30 p.m.
Council Chambers
Council Members In Attendance:
  • Councillor Shwery - Ward 1, 
  • Councillor Devine - Ward 2, 
  • Councillor Kimpson - Ward 3, 
  • Councillor Earnshaw - Ward 4, 
  • Councillor Roberts - Ward 5, 
  • Councillor Hamilton - Ward 7, 
  • Councillor Ermeta - Ward 8, 
  • and Mayor Liggett 
  • Councillor Cooper - Ward 6 
Staff Members in Attendance:
  • David Calder - City Manager, 
  • Hardy Bromberg, Deputy City Manager - Community Development, 
  • Yogesh Shah, Deputy City Manager - Infrastructure Services, 
  • Sheryl Ayres - Chief Financial Officer, 
  • Danielle Manton - City Clerk, 
  • Jennifer Shaw - Deputy City Clerk, 
  • Maria Barrantes Barreto - Council Committee Services Coordinator, 
  • Rachel Latour - Administrative Assistant, 
  • and Bryan Boodhoo - City Solicitor 
Others in Attendance:
  • Jenna Brown-Jowett - Acting Deputy City Manager - Corporate Enterprise, Alana Russell - Director of Communications, Bob Bjerke - Chief Planner, Lesley Head - Director of Recreation and Culture, Karen Pepper - Director of Mayor and Council Operations and Initiatives, Shane Taylor - Manager of Recreation, Placemaking Capital Projects, Sylvia Rafalski-Misch - Manager of Development Planning, Laura Dewar - Manager of Site Development and Special Projects, Jacqueline Hannemann - Senior Planner, Melissa Mohr - Senior Planner, Sancy Sabastian - Planner, Development Coordinator, Nicole Goodbrand - Senior Planner, Yesenia Torres - Accessibility Coordinator,  Rutvik Shah - Network Administrator, Darren Hutchings - Network Administrator.


The meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the City of Cambridge is held in Council Chambers and is live streamed to the City of Cambridge website. Mayor Liggett welcomes everyone present and calls the meeting to order at 5:45 p.m.

This Presentation was withdrawn and will come forward at a later date.

  • Motion:24-272
  • Motion:24-273
    Moved byCouncillor Kimpson
    Seconded byCouncillor Ermeta

    THAT Council rise from the Closed Sessions held on October 8, 2024 and reconvene in Open Session at 5:44 p.m. 

    In Favour (8)Councillor Devine, Mayor Liggett, Councillor Hamilton, Councillor Ermeta, Councillor Kimpson, Councillor Earnshaw, Councillor Roberts, and Councillor Shwery
    Absent (1)Councillor Cooper
    Carried (8 to 0)
  • Motion:24-274
    Moved byCouncillor Earnshaw
    Seconded byCouncillor Roberts

    THAT all items listed under the heading of Consent Agenda for October 8, 2024, be adopted as recommended.

    In Favour (8)Councillor Devine, Mayor Liggett, Councillor Hamilton, Councillor Ermeta, Councillor Kimpson, Councillor Earnshaw, Councillor Roberts, and Councillor Shwery
    Absent (1)Councillor Cooper
    Carried (8 to 0)
  • Motion:24-275
    Moved byCouncillor Devine
    Seconded byCouncillor Roberts

    THAT Report 24-121-CD - Fence Variance F3/24 – 35 Adler Drive be received;

    AND THAT application F3/24 be approved to permit a fence height of 2.46m along a 6.89m length of the existing fence located at the rear lot line of the property, whereas the Fence By-Law 92-05 permits a maximum of 2.10m.

    In Favour (8)Councillor Devine, Mayor Liggett, Councillor Hamilton, Councillor Ermeta, Councillor Kimpson, Councillor Earnshaw, Councillor Roberts, and Councillor Shwery
    Absent (1)Councillor Cooper
    Carried (8 to 0)


THAT Report 24-110-CD Accessibility Improvements to the Kin 1 Softball Field - Conceptual Design Update be received;

AND THAT Council endorse the Conceptual Design Plan (Base Scope); 

AND THAT no further work on the design be completed until sufficient funds are obtained to complete the project; 

AND FURTHER THAT an application to the Jays Care Foundation funding initiative be paused until sufficient funds to cover the costs of the entire project can be obtained. 

  • Moved byCouncillor Shwery
    Seconded byCouncillor Ermeta


    THAT Report 24-110-CD Accessibility Improvements to the Kin 1 Softball Field - Conceptual Design Update be received;

    AND THAT Council direct staff to apply by October 31, 2024 for the Jays Care Foundation funding;

    AND THAT Council defer this project to the 2026 budget;

    AND THAT Council direct staff to develop a sponsorship campaign to cover the costs of completing the entire project. 

  • Motion:24-276
    Moved byCouncillor Roberts
    Seconded byCouncillor Kimpson


    THAT Report 24-110-CD Accessibility Improvements to the Kin 1 Softball Field - Conceptual Design Update be received; 

    AND THAT Council direct staff to apply by October 31, 2024 for the Jays Care Foundation funding;

    AND THAT Council defer the funding of the Conceptual Design Update to the 2025 Mayor's budget process and that a phased approach be brought forward as an amendment. 



    In Favour (8)Councillor Devine, Mayor Liggett, Councillor Hamilton, Councillor Ermeta, Councillor Kimpson, Councillor Earnshaw, Councillor Roberts, and Councillor Shwery
    Absent (1)Councillor Cooper
    Carried (8 to 0)
  • Motion:24-277
    Moved byCouncillor Shwery
    Seconded byCouncillor Earnshaw

    THAT Report 24-099-CD – Recommendation Report for Zoning By-law Amendment – 1065 Speedsville Road be received;

    AND THAT Council approves the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment to rezone the subject lands from (H)RM3/CS5 s.4.1.303B to (H)RM3/CS5 s.4.1.480 with additional site-specific provisions to permit the development of the lands with multiple residential dwellings including apartments;

    AND THAT Council is satisfied that the requirements for a public meeting in accordance with subsection 34(12) of the Planning Act has been met;

    AND FURTHER THAT that the By-law attached to Report 24-099-CD be passed.

    In Favour (8)Councillor Devine, Mayor Liggett, Councillor Hamilton, Councillor Ermeta, Councillor Kimpson, Councillor Earnshaw, Councillor Roberts, and Councillor Shwery
    Absent (1)Councillor Cooper
    Carried (8 to 0)
  • Motion:24-279
    Moved byCouncillor Shwery
    Seconded byCouncillor Kimpson

    THAT Report 24-122-CD being a Recommendation Report for Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments and Draft Plan of Subdivision - 1285 and 1455 Speedsville Road and Portions of Adjacent Lands, be received;

    AND THAT Council adopts proposed Official Plan Amendment No. 86 to redesignate the subject lands from Low/Medium Density Residential and High Density Residential with site specific policies, Natural Open Space System and Future Urban Reserve to Low/Medium Density Residential, High Density Residential and Natural Open Space System with new Site Specific Policy 8.10.121 to permit a mixed use residential subdivision;

    AND THAT Council approves the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment to rezone the subject lands from the A1, (E)A1, RM3 s.4.1.303A, RM3 s.4.1.303E, RM3/CS5 s.4.1.303B and OS1 Zones to the RM3/CS5 s.4.1.303B.1, RM3 s.4.1.303E, (H)RM3 s.4.1.303E, RM4 s.4.1.303A, (H)RM4 s.4.1.303A, OS1, OS4, and N1 s.4.1.303N Zones with site specific provisions;

    AND THAT Council is satisfied that the requirements for a public meeting in accordance with subsections 17(15) and 34(12) of the Planning Act have been met;

    AND THAT that the By-laws attached to Report 24-122-CD be passed;

    AND FURTHER THAT Council advise the Regional Municipality of Waterloo that the City of Cambridge recommends draft approval for Draft Plan of Subdivision 30T-21101, subject to the draft approval conditions included in Appendix D attached to Report 24-122-CD.

    In Favour (6)Councillor Hamilton, Councillor Ermeta, Councillor Kimpson, Councillor Earnshaw, Councillor Roberts, and Councillor Shwery
    Opposed (2)Councillor Devine, and Mayor Liggett
    Absent (1)Councillor Cooper
    Carried (6 to 2)
  • Motion:24-278
    Moved byCouncillor Devine
    Seconded byCouncillor Kimpson


    THAT the applicant contribute $500 per residential unit towards the Affordable Housing Reserve Fund prior to the registration of the Plan and that the following paragraph be struck out under 11 (e) of the Planning Conditions:

    Alternatively, the Owner/Developer enters into an agreement with the City of Cambridge and/or the Regional Municipality of Waterloo to provide 20 affordable housing units (as defined within the Regional Official Plan) for a specified period of time, within one of the high and medium density residential or mixed use blocks in the plan of subdivision to the satisfaction of the City of Cambridge. 

    In Favour (4)Councillor Devine, Mayor Liggett, Councillor Ermeta, and Councillor Kimpson
    Opposed (4)Councillor Hamilton, Councillor Earnshaw, Councillor Roberts, and Councillor Shwery
    Absent (1)Councillor Cooper
    Defeated (4 to 4)
  • Motion:24-280
    Moved byCouncillor Hamilton
    Seconded byCouncillor Devine

    THAT Report 24-107-CD Zoning By-law Amendment Recommendation Report - 655 Wesley Boulevard Remnant Parcel be received;

    AND THAT Council approves the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment to rezone the Subject Lands from (H)R4 to RM4 S. 4.1.372 to facilitate a residential development in conjunction with adjacent subdivision lands;

    AND THAT Council is satisfied that the requirements for a public meeting in accordance with subsection 34(17) of the Planning Act have been met;

    AND FURTHER THAT the By-law attached to report 24-107-CD be passed.

    In Favour (8)Councillor Devine, Mayor Liggett, Councillor Hamilton, Councillor Ermeta, Councillor Kimpson, Councillor Earnshaw, Councillor Roberts, and Councillor Shwery
    Absent (1)Councillor Cooper
    Carried (8 to 0)
  • Motion:24-281
    Moved byCouncillor Roberts
    Seconded byCouncillor Shwery

    THAT Report 24-109-CD Additional Residential Unit Community Improvement Plan be received;

    AND THAT Council approve the Additional Residential Unit Community Improvement Plan in Schedule A to report 24-109-CD and direct staff to open the CIP Program to Applicants as of November 1, 2024;

    AND FURTHER THAT Council pass the attached by-law in Schedule B to report 24-109-CD enacting the entire City of Cambridge as a Project Area for the Additional Residential Unit Community Improvement Plan.

    In Favour (8)Councillor Devine, Mayor Liggett, Councillor Hamilton, Councillor Ermeta, Councillor Kimpson, Councillor Earnshaw, Councillor Roberts, and Councillor Shwery
    Absent (1)Councillor Cooper
    Carried (8 to 0)
  • Motion:24-282
    Moved byCouncillor Devine
    Seconded byCouncillor Ermeta

    THAT Report 24-116-CD, Affordable Housing Community Improvement Plan Update be received for information.

    In Favour (8)Councillor Devine, Mayor Liggett, Councillor Hamilton, Councillor Ermeta, Councillor Kimpson, Councillor Earnshaw, Councillor Roberts, and Councillor Shwery
    Absent (1)Councillor Cooper
    Carried (8 to 0)


  • Motion:24-283
    Moved byCouncillor Ermeta
    Seconded byCouncillor Roberts

    THAT all presentations and correspondence from the October 8, 2024, Council meeting be received.

    In Favour (8)Councillor Devine, Mayor Liggett, Councillor Hamilton, Councillor Ermeta, Councillor Kimpson, Councillor Earnshaw, Councillor Roberts, and Councillor Shwery
    Absent (1)Councillor Cooper
    Carried (8 to 0)
  • Motion:24-284
    Moved byCouncillor Earnshaw
    Seconded byCouncillor Hamilton

    THAT the following by-laws listed under the heading of Introduction and Consideration of By-laws be enacted and passed:

    24-092 Being a by-law to amend Zoning By-law 150-85, as amended, with respect to lands municipally known as Part of 1065 Speedsville Road

    24-093 Being a by-law to adopt Amendment No. 86 of the City of Cambridge Official Plan (2012), as amended with respect to lands municipally known as a portion of 800 Briardean Road, 1455 Speedsville Road, and 1285 Speedsville Road

    24-094 Being a by-law to amend Zoning By-law No. 150-85, as amended, with respect to lands municipally known as a portion of 800 Briardean Road, 1285 Speedsville Road, 1455 Speedsville Road and unaddressed lands located at the northeast corner of Speedsville Road and Equestrian Way

    24-095 Being a by-law to amend Zoning By-law No. 150-85, as amended with respect to land municipally known as Part of 655 Wesley Boulevard, Cambridge

    24-096 Being a by-law to implement the Additional Residential Unit Community Improvement Plan in the City of Cambridge

    In Favour (8)Councillor Devine, Mayor Liggett, Councillor Hamilton, Councillor Ermeta, Councillor Kimpson, Councillor Earnshaw, Councillor Roberts, and Councillor Shwery
    Absent (1)Councillor Cooper
    Carried (8 to 0)
  • Motion:24-285
    Moved byCouncillor Roberts
    Seconded byCouncillor Shwery

    That By-Law 24-097 being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the City of Cambridge be passed.

    In Favour (8)Councillor Devine, Mayor Liggett, Councillor Hamilton, Councillor Ermeta, Councillor Kimpson, Councillor Earnshaw, Councillor Roberts, and Councillor Shwery
    Absent (1)Councillor Cooper
    Carried (8 to 0)
  • Motion:24-286
    Moved byCouncillor Kimpson
    Seconded byCouncillor Ermeta

    THAT the Council meeting does now adjourn at 9:27 p.m. 

    In Favour (8)Councillor Devine, Mayor Liggett, Councillor Hamilton, Councillor Ermeta, Councillor Kimpson, Councillor Earnshaw, Councillor Roberts, and Councillor Shwery
    Absent (1)Councillor Cooper
    Carried (8 to 0)
No Item Selected