THAT Report 24-122-CD being a Recommendation Report for Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments and Draft Plan of Subdivision - 1285 and 1455 Speedsville Road and Portions of Adjacent Lands, be received;
AND THAT Council adopts proposed Official Plan Amendment No. 86 to redesignate the subject lands from Low/Medium Density Residential and High Density Residential with site specific policies, Natural Open Space System and Future Urban Reserve to Low/Medium Density Residential, High Density Residential and Natural Open Space System with new Site Specific Policy 8.10.121 to permit a mixed use residential subdivision;
AND THAT Council approves the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment to rezone the subject lands from the A1, (E)A1, RM3 s.4.1.303A, RM3 s.4.1.303E, RM3/CS5 s.4.1.303B and OS1 Zones to the RM3/CS5 s.4.1.303B.1, RM3 s.4.1.303E, (H)RM3 s.4.1.303E, RM4 s.4.1.303A, (H)RM4 s.4.1.303A, OS1, OS4, and N1 s.4.1.303N Zones with site specific provisions;
AND THAT Council is satisfied that the requirements for a public meeting in accordance with subsections 17(15) and 34(12) of the Planning Act have been met;
AND THAT that the By-laws attached to Report 24-122-CD be passed;
AND FURTHER THAT Council advise the Regional Municipality of Waterloo that the City of Cambridge recommends draft approval for Draft Plan of Subdivision 30T-21101, subject to the draft approval conditions included in Appendix D attached to Report 24-122-CD.