Corporation of the City of Cambridge

Council Meeting

Meeting #:
, 6:30 p.m. (This meeting will occur after the conclusion of the Statutory Public Meeting scheduled for 5 p.m.)
Council Chambers
Council Members In Attendance:
  • Councillor Devine - Ward 2, 
  • Mayor Liggett, 
  • Councillor Hamilton - Ward 7, 
  • Councillor Ermeta - Ward 8, 
  • Councillor Shwery - Ward 1, 
  • Councillor Kimpson - Ward 3, 
  • Councillor Earnshaw - Ward 4, 
  • Councillor Cooper - Ward 6, 
  • and Councillor Roberts - Ward 5 
Staff Members in Attendance:
  • David Calder - City Manager, 
  • Hardy Bromberg, Deputy City Manager - Community Development, 
  • Yogesh Shah, Deputy City Manager - Infrastructure Services, 
  • Sheryl Ayres - Chief Financial Officer, 
  • Danielle Manton - City Clerk, 
  • Jennifer Shaw - Deputy City Clerk, 
  • and Maria Barrantes Barreto - Council Committee Services Coordinator 
Others in Attendance:
  • Nicole Auty - Assistant City Solicitor, Sylvia Rafalski-Misch - Manager of Development Planning, Jenna Brown-Jowett - Acting Deputy City Manager, Corporate Enterprise, Allison Jones - Acting Director of Communications, Karen Pepper - Director, Mayor and Council Operations and Initiatives, Laura Dewar - Supervisor, Special Projects, Committee of Adjustment and Development Coordination, Matthew Blevins - Senior Planner, Re-urbanization, Sarah Austin - Manager of Development Engineering, Leah Walter - Director of Engineering, Jamie Croft - Manager of Infrastructure Engineering, Rutvik Shah, Network Administrator - Technology Services.


The meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the City of Cambridge is held virtually via Microsoft Zoom and live streamed to the City of Cambridge website. Mayor Liggett welcomes everyone present and calls the meeting to order at 6:44 p.m.

Councillor Ermeta declared an indirect pecuniary interest in relation to Agenda item number 10.3.5 by virtue of previous discussions with the retained architectural firm regarding potential development opportunities outside of Cambridge.

  • Motion:23-427
    Moved byCouncillor Earnshaw
    Seconded byCouncillor Devine

    THAT in accordance with section 239 (2) (e), (f) and (k) of the Municipal Act, 2001, Council to convene in Closed Session at 4:33 p.m. to consider the following subject matters: 

    (e)  litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board (Confidential legal opinion regarding a property) (Confidential legal opinion regarding an agreement);

    (f)  advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose (Confidential legal opinion regarding a property) (Confidential legal opinion regarding an agreement);

    (k)  a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board (Confidential legal opinion regarding an agreement).

    In Favour (9)Councillor Devine, Mayor Liggett, Councillor Hamilton, Councillor Ermeta, Councillor Cooper, Councillor Kimpson, Councillor Earnshaw, Councillor Roberts, and Councillor Shwery
    Carried (9 to 0)
  • Motion:23-428
    Moved byCouncillor Cooper
    Seconded byCouncillor Ermeta

    THAT Council rise from Closed Session and reconvene in Open Session at 6:44 p.m.

    In Favour (9)Councillor Devine, Mayor Liggett, Councillor Hamilton, Councillor Ermeta, Councillor Cooper, Councillor Kimpson, Councillor Earnshaw, Councillor Roberts, and Councillor Shwery
    Carried (9 to 0)
  • Motion:23-430
    Moved byCouncillor Hamilton
    Seconded byCouncillor Kimpson

    WHEREAS ensuring residents have a supply of adequate and available affordable housing is of great importance to the City of Cambridge, the Region of Waterloo, and all jurisdictions and levels of government;

    WHEREAS the City of Cambridge, like other municipalities across Ontario and Canada, is in the throes of a crisis of a lack of affordable housing, due to a variety of intersecting factors including (but not limited to) the rising costs of goods and construction materials, disruptions in local and global supply chains, a lack of skilled labour, a rise of inflation and interest rates above historical averages, skyrocketing housing prices, and the importance of intensifying residential development within core areas with access to services to meet daily needs;

    WHEREAS both residents, and an appropriate number of parking spaces for automobiles and bicycles, are essential to the viability and liveability of every urban core, and parking is required for many forms of housing;

    WHEREAS city parking lots cover wide areas of prime urban space in cities and their urban cores, which might be utilized for other purposes due to the proximity of many lots to businesses, restaurants, parks, and key areas where growth and density may be gently intensified;

    AND WHEREAS between 2021 and 2022, population growth in the Region of Waterloo grew at twice the rate of the Canadian average, with rental prices rising 141 percent, placing 6500 families on the waitlist for affordable housing, with 1500+ in Cambridge, with an average wait time for housing at more than 7 years,

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT council request staff investigate the possibility of building affordable housing units above city-owned parking lots by providing Council with a list of potential locations for an above-parking-lot affordable housing pilot project or prototype, thereby preserving important urban parking spaces in core areas while also creating structures containing affordable units above such parking lots;

    AND THAT the property or properties provided as options for a prototype of pilot project remain owned by the City of Cambridge;

    AND THAT since affordable housing sits under the jurisdiction of the Region of Waterloo, and because the City of Cambridge does not itself directly engage in the building of affordable housing, staff be directed to contact the Region of Waterloo to determine if such a project could fall under their Affordable Housing Plan to develop up to 500 new homes per year, determine if there is any funding for a prototype or pilot project currently available, as well determine if there are any current potential housing providers to carry out such a project;

    AND THAT staff report back to Council with their findings;

    AND FURTHER THAT a copy of this motion be sent to the Region of Waterloo.

    In Favour (4)Councillor Hamilton, Councillor Kimpson, Councillor Earnshaw, and Councillor Roberts
    Opposed (5)Councillor Devine, Mayor Liggett, Councillor Ermeta, Councillor Cooper, and Councillor Shwery
    Defeated (4 to 5)

This Motion was withdrawn and will be brought forward for consideration at the Council meeting of February 13, 2024. 

  • Motion:23-431
    Moved byCouncillor Earnshaw
    Seconded byCouncillor Hamilton

    THAT Report 23-148-CRS Beverly Street Pedestrian Underpass and Road Reconstruction be received;

    AND THAT Request for Tender #T23-01 Beverly Street Pedestrian Underpass and Road Reconstruction be awarded to Dagmar Construction Inc. of Ajax, ON in the amount of $10,694,926.81 in Canadian funds, inclusive of HST;

    AND FURTHER THAT the project deficit of $1,412,463 be funded $621,524 from the Development Charges Roadway Reserve Fund, $109,681 from the Capital Works Reserve Fund, $288,124 from the Water Capital Reserve Fund, $264,636 from the Wastewater Capital Reserve Fund, and an increase in funding from the Region of Waterloo of $128,498.

    In Favour (9)Councillor Devine, Mayor Liggett, Councillor Hamilton, Councillor Ermeta, Councillor Cooper, Councillor Kimpson, Councillor Earnshaw, Councillor Roberts, and Councillor Shwery
    Carried (9 to 0)
  • Motion:23-432
    Moved byCouncillor Shwery
    Seconded byCouncillor Kimpson

    THAT consideration of Report 23-342-CD - Addendum - Proposed Official Plan Amendment for Main Street and Dundas Street South Secondary Plan be deferred to the Council Meeting of February 13, 2024 to provide Council with more time to understand the scope of the proposed changes. 

    In Favour (9)Councillor Devine, Mayor Liggett, Councillor Hamilton, Councillor Ermeta, Councillor Cooper, Councillor Kimpson, Councillor Earnshaw, Councillor Roberts, and Councillor Shwery
    Carried (9 to 0)
  • Motion:23-433
    Moved byCouncillor Kimpson
    Seconded byCouncillor Shwery

    THAT Report 23-200-CD Blair-Preston Trail and Pedestrian Bridge Municipal Class Environmental Assessment be received;

    AND FURTHER THAT Option 1 in report 23-200-CD Blair-Preston Trail and Pedestrian Bridge Municipal Class Environmental Assessment to withdraw the Environmental Assessment be approved.

    In Favour (8)Councillor Devine, Mayor Liggett, Councillor Hamilton, Councillor Ermeta, Councillor Kimpson, Councillor Earnshaw, Councillor Roberts, and Councillor Shwery
    Opposed (1)Councillor Cooper
    Carried (8 to 1)
  • Motion:23-434
    Moved byCouncillor Shwery
    Seconded byCouncillor Ermeta

    THAT Report 23-346-CD – Recommendation Report for Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment – 2040 Eagle Street North be received;

    AND THAT Cambridge Council adopt Official Plan Amendment No. 73 with site-specific policy 8.10.109 to permit a ‘medical office and clinic’ use within the ‘Employment Corridor’ designation;

    AND THAT Cambridge Council approve the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment to rezone the subject lands from M3 Industrial to M3 Industrial with site specific s.4.1.471 to permit a ‘business and professional office’ use for the establishment of a medical office;

    AND THAT Cambridge Council is satisfied and that the requirements for a public meeting in accordance with subsections 17(15) and 34(17) of the Planning Act have been met;

    AND FURTHER THAT the By-laws attached to report 23-346-CD be passed.

    In Favour (9)Councillor Devine, Mayor Liggett, Councillor Hamilton, Councillor Ermeta, Councillor Cooper, Councillor Kimpson, Councillor Earnshaw, Councillor Roberts, and Councillor Shwery
    Carried (9 to 0)
  • Motion:23-435
    Moved byCouncillor Roberts
    Seconded byCouncillor Hamilton

    THAT Report 23-311-CD Credit for Service and Cost Sharing Agreement Updates be received;

    AND THAT Council approve a budget increase of $560,000 for capital project A/00221-40 funded by $280,000 from Development Charges Services related to a Highway Reserve Fund and $280,000 from Development Charges Storm Water Reserve Fund.

    AND THAT the funding plan outlined in Report 23-311-CD to address the shortfall of funding for the capital projects associated with the Cambridge West Credit for Service Agreement be approved; 

    AND FURTHER THAT the transfers to/from the reserve funds as outlined in Report 23-311-CD be approved.

    In Favour (8)Councillor Devine, Mayor Liggett, Councillor Hamilton, Councillor Cooper, Councillor Kimpson, Councillor Earnshaw, Councillor Roberts, and Councillor Shwery
    Opposed (1)Councillor Ermeta
    Carried (8 to 1)
  • Councillor Ermeta declared a conflict on this item. (Councillor Ermeta declared an indirect pecuniary interest in relation to Agenda item number 10.3.5 by virtue of previous discussions with the retained architectural firm regarding potential development opportunities outside of Cambridge.)
  • Motion:23-436
    Moved byCouncillor Kimpson
    Seconded byCouncillor Devine

    THAT Report 23-347-CD Recommendation Report for Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments – 210 Shearson Crescent be received;

    AND THAT Council adopt the proposed Official Plan Amendment No. 72 with site-specific policy 8.10.108 to permit a ‘truck service and repair’ use within the ‘Business Industrial’ designation;

    AND THAT Council approve the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment with site-specific zoning s.4.1.470 to permit a ‘truck service and repair’ use within the M3 Industrial zone.

    AND THAT Council is satisfied that the requirement for a public meeting in accordance with subsections 17(15) and 34(17) of the Planning Act has been met; and

    AND FURTHER THAT the By-law(s) attached to this report 23-347-CD be passed.

    In Favour (6)Councillor Devine, Councillor Hamilton, Councillor Cooper, Councillor Kimpson, Councillor Earnshaw, and Councillor Roberts
    Opposed (2)Mayor Liggett, and Councillor Shwery
    Conflict (1)Councillor Ermeta
    Carried (6 to 2)
  • Motion:23-437
    Moved byCouncillor Shwery
    Seconded byCouncillor Devine

    THAT Addendum 23-357-CD to Recommendation Report – Zoning By-law Amendment – 475 Allendale Road be received;

    AND THAT Report 23-336-CD – Recommendation Report – Zoning By-law Amendment – 475 Allendale Road be received;

    AND THAT Council is satisfied that the requirement for a public meeting in accordance with subsection 34(17) of the Planning Act has been met;

    AND FURTHER THAT Council pass the updated Zoning By-law to amend Zoning By-law No. 150-85 that includes a site-specific provision to permit a reduced parking rate, as attached to Report 23-357-CD.

    In Favour (9)Councillor Devine, Mayor Liggett, Councillor Hamilton, Councillor Ermeta, Councillor Cooper, Councillor Kimpson, Councillor Earnshaw, Councillor Roberts, and Councillor Shwery
    Carried (9 to 0)
  • Motion:23-438
    Moved byCouncillor Earnshaw
    Seconded byCouncillor Roberts

    THAT Report 23-359-CD – Addendum to 23-322-CD - CMHC Housing Accelerator Fund Application be received;

    AND FURTHER THAT Cambridge Council endorse the letter to the Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities of Canada, contained in Appendix A, as an Addendum to the City’s current Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF) Application to the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC).

    In Favour (9)Councillor Devine, Mayor Liggett, Councillor Hamilton, Councillor Ermeta, Councillor Cooper, Councillor Kimpson, Councillor Earnshaw, Councillor Roberts, and Councillor Shwery
    Carried (9 to 0)

Support Services to Neighbourhood Associations Policy# C-80.020 Updates

  • Motion:23-439
    Moved byCouncillor Roberts
    Seconded byCouncillor Cooper

    THAT all presentations and correspondence from the December 19th, 2023, Council meeting be received.

    In Favour (9)Councillor Devine, Mayor Liggett, Councillor Hamilton, Councillor Ermeta, Councillor Cooper, Councillor Kimpson, Councillor Earnshaw, Councillor Roberts, and Councillor Shwery
    Carried (9 to 0)
  • Motion:23-440
    Moved byCouncillor Earnshaw
    Seconded byCouncillor Kimpson

    THAT the following by-laws listed under the heading of Introduction and Consideration of By-laws be enacted and passed:

    23-115 Being a by-law to adopt Amendment No. 73 of the City of Cambridge Official Plan (2012), as amended with respect to land municipally known as 2040 Eagle Street North

    23-116 Being a by-law to amend Zoning By-law No. 150-85, as amended with respect to land municipally known as 2040 Eagle Street North

    23-119 Being a by-law to amend Zoning By-law No. 150-85, as amended with respect to land municipally known as 475 Allendale Road

    23-120 Being a by-law to close a portion of a public highway [Part of Fountain Street Laneway]

    23-121 Being a by-law to provide for a 2024 Interim Tax Levy and for the payment of 2024 Interim Taxes

    23-123 Being a by-law to adopt Municipal Fees and Charges for 2024

    In Favour (9)Councillor Devine, Mayor Liggett, Councillor Hamilton, Councillor Ermeta, Councillor Cooper, Councillor Kimpson, Councillor Earnshaw, Councillor Roberts, and Councillor Shwery
    Carried (9 to 0)
  • Motion:23-441
    Moved byCouncillor Earnshaw
    Seconded byCouncillor Kimpson

    THAT the following by-laws listed under the heading of Introduction and Consideration of By-laws be enacted and passed:

    23-117 Being a by-law to adopt Amendment No. 72 of the City of Cambridge Official Plan (2012), as amended with respect to land municipally known as 210 Shearson Crescent

    23-118 Being a by-law to amend Zoning By-law No. 150-85, as amended with respect to land municipally known as 210 Shearson Crescent

    In Favour (8)Councillor Devine, Mayor Liggett, Councillor Hamilton, Councillor Cooper, Councillor Kimpson, Councillor Earnshaw, Councillor Roberts, and Councillor Shwery
    Conflict (1)Councillor Ermeta
    Carried (8 to 0)
  • Motion:23-442
    Moved byCouncillor Ermeta
    Seconded byCouncillor Shwery

    Being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the City of Cambridge

    In Favour (9)Councillor Devine, Mayor Liggett, Councillor Hamilton, Councillor Ermeta, Councillor Cooper, Councillor Kimpson, Councillor Earnshaw, Councillor Roberts, and Councillor Shwery
    Carried (9 to 0)
  • Motion:23-443
    Moved byCouncillor Devine
    Seconded byCouncillor Cooper

    THAT the Council meeting does now adjourn at 10:14 p.m.

    In Favour (9)Councillor Devine, Mayor Liggett, Councillor Hamilton, Councillor Ermeta, Councillor Cooper, Councillor Kimpson, Councillor Earnshaw, Councillor Roberts, and Councillor Shwery
    Carried (9 to 0)
No Item Selected