Corporation of the City of Cambridge

Council Meeting

Meeting #:
, 5:30 p.m.
Council Chambers
Council Members In Attendance:
  • Councillor Devine - Ward 2, 
  • Councillor Kimpson - Ward 3, 
  • Councillor Earnshaw - Ward 4, 
  • Councillor Roberts - Ward 5, 
  • Councillor Cooper - Ward 6, 
  • Councillor Hamilton - Ward 7, 
  • Councillor Ermeta - Ward 8, 
  • and Mayor Liggett 
  • Councillor Shwery - Ward 1 
Staff Members in Attendance:
  • David Calder - City Manager, 
  • Hardy Bromberg, Deputy City Manager - Community Development, 
  • Cheryl Zahnleiter, Deputy City Manager - Corporate Enterprise, 
  • Sheryl Ayres - Chief Financial Officer, 
  • Jennifer Shaw - Deputy City Clerk, 
  • Michael Oliveri - Council Committee Services Coordinator, 
  • Maria Barrantes Barreto - Council Committee Services Coordinator, 
  • Bryan Boodhoo - City Solicitor, 
  • Lesley Head - Director of Recreation and Culture, 
  • and Leah Walter - Director of Engineering and Transportation 
Others in Attendance:
  • Mike Parsons - Director of Environmental Services, Alana Russell - Director of Communications, Karen Pepper - Director, Mayor and Council Operations and Initiatives, Bob Bjerke - Chief Planner, Jacqueline Hanneman - Senior Planner, Matthew Blevins - Senior Planner, Shannon Noonan - Manager of Transportation Engineering


The meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the City of Cambridge is held in Council Chambers and is live streamed to the City of Cambridge website. Mayor Liggett welcomes everyone present and calls the meeting to order at 5:34 p.m.

Mayor Liggett declared a direct pecuniary interest on agenda item #9.1.2 24-050-CRS Code of Conduct Complaint – Integrity Commissioner Report because the Mayor is the subject of the report.

Councillor Devine declared an indirect pecuniary interest with respect to an item on the Closed Session agenda for September 3, 2024, section 239 (2)(c) a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board (Confidential Potential Land Tender) (Confidential Realty Matter) due to his involvement with a party to the agreement.

  • Councillor Devine declared a conflict on this item. (Councillor Devine declared an indirect pecuniary interest with respect to an item on the Closed Session agenda for September 3, 2024, section 239 (2)(c) a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board (Confidential Potential Land Tender) (Confidential Realty Matter) due to his involvement with a party to the agreement.)
  • Motion:24-235
    Moved byCouncillor Kimpson
    Seconded byCouncillor Roberts

    That in accordance with section 239 (2) (c), (f), and (k) of the Municipal Act, 2001, Council to convene in Closed Session to consider the following subject matters: 

    (c) a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board (Confidential Realty Matters) (Confidential Potential Land Tender)

    (f) advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose (Confidential Legal Opinions);

    (k) a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board (Confidential Realty Matters). 

    In Favour (5)Mayor Liggett, Councillor Ermeta, Councillor Cooper, Councillor Kimpson, and Councillor Earnshaw
    Absent (4)Councillor Devine, Councillor Hamilton, Councillor Roberts, and Councillor Shwery
    Carried (5 to 0)

THAT Council rise from Closed Session held on September 3, 2024, and reconvene in Open Session at 5:35 p.m. 

  • Motion:24-236
    Moved byCouncillor Devine
    Seconded byCouncillor Ermeta

    THAT Council rise from the Closed Sessions held on September 3, 2024 and reconvene in Open Session at 

    In Favour (8)Councillor Devine, Mayor Liggett, Councillor Hamilton, Councillor Ermeta, Councillor Cooper, Councillor Kimpson, Councillor Earnshaw, and Councillor Roberts
    Absent (1)Councillor Shwery
    Carried (8 to 0)
  • Motion:24-237
    Moved byCouncillor Earnshaw
    Seconded byCouncillor Hamilton

    THAT all items listed under the heading of Consent Agenda for September 3rd, 2024, be adopted as recommended.

    In Favour (8)Councillor Devine, Mayor Liggett, Councillor Hamilton, Councillor Ermeta, Councillor Cooper, Councillor Kimpson, Councillor Earnshaw, and Councillor Roberts
    Absent (1)Councillor Shwery
    Carried (8 to 0)
  • Motion:24-238
    Moved byCouncillor Hamilton
    Seconded byCouncillor Cooper

    THAT Report 24-040-CRS Tender Award for Recreation Complex be received;

    AND THAT Request for Tender #T24-66 General Contractor - Recreation Complex & Idea Exchange - Construction Services be awarded to Melloul-Blamey Construction Inc. of Waterloo, ON, in the amount of $94,220,000, exclusive of HST.

    AND THAT additional funding for A/00463-41 Recreation Complex Construction be approved in the amount of $2,582,700 from Development Charges debt, $496,800 from tax supported debt and $154,100 from Development Charges Reserve Funds Library for a total increase of $3,233,600, in order to complete this project.

    AND THAT Council pre-approve project A/00643-40 Park Development Southpoint (Bosdale) in the amount of $1,205,000, to fund the community park development scope that is to be included in the base construction contract, to be funded by $1,125,000 from Development Charges Parks and Recreation and $80,000 from Contribution from Others (School Boards).  

    AND FURTHER THAT staff be directed to work with Melloul-Blamey Construction to achieve construction cost savings, wherever feasible, that do not result in substantially altering the building program or building performance from the tendered project specifications.

    In Favour (8)Councillor Devine, Mayor Liggett, Councillor Hamilton, Councillor Ermeta, Councillor Cooper, Councillor Kimpson, Councillor Earnshaw, and Councillor Roberts
    Absent (1)Councillor Shwery
    Carried (8 to 0)
  • Mayor Liggett declared a conflict on this item. (Mayor Liggett declared a direct pecuniary interest on agenda item #9.1.2 24-050-CRS Code of Conduct Complaint – Integrity Commissioner Report because the Mayor is the subject of the report.)

Mayor Liggett passed the chair to Councillor Devine at 5:46 p.m. due to her conflict of interest with agenda item #9.1.2. 

  • Motion:24-239
    Moved byCouncillor Kimpson
    Seconded byCouncillor Cooper

    THAT report 24-050-CRS Code of Conduct Complaint - Integrity Commissioner Report be received. 

    In Favour (7)Councillor Devine, Councillor Hamilton, Councillor Ermeta, Councillor Cooper, Councillor Kimpson, Councillor Earnshaw, and Councillor Roberts
    Abstained (1)Mayor Liggett
    Absent (1)Councillor Shwery
    Carried (7 to 0)

Councillor Devine returned the chair to Mayor Liggett at 5:50 p.m.

  • Motion:24-240
    Moved byCouncillor Roberts
    Seconded byCouncillor Earnshaw

    THAT Report 24-048-CD Dickson Hill Heritage Conservation District Decorative Globe Light Pole Design Standard be received;

    AND THAT Staff be directed to proceed as outlined in report 24-048-CD, to finalize the new design standard for decorative globe light poles within the City, including the Dickson Hill Heritage Conservation District, consisting of a replica decorative aluminum pole and collar, with 16-inch LED globe light fixture that will provide a close match of style and hue, of the existing decorative globe light fixtures;

    AND THAT the upgrading of existing low sodium decorative globe light fixtures in the Dickson Hill Heritage Conservation District to more energy-efficient LED lighting be permitted;

    AND FURTHER THAT the installation of new or replacement of existing decorative poles in the Dickson Hill Heritage Conservation District to replica decorative aluminum poles be permitted, on an as needed basis.

    In Favour (8)Councillor Devine, Mayor Liggett, Councillor Hamilton, Councillor Ermeta, Councillor Cooper, Councillor Kimpson, Councillor Earnshaw, and Councillor Roberts
    Absent (1)Councillor Shwery
    Carried (8 to 0)
  • Moved byCouncillor Hamilton
    Seconded byCouncillor Devine

    THAT Report 24-053-CD – Addendum – Proposed Official Plan Amendment for Main Street and Dundas Street South Secondary Plan be received;

    AND THAT Report 23-261-CD – Recommendation Report – Proposed Official Plan Amendment for Main Street and Dundas Street South Secondary Plan included as Appendix C be received;

    AND THAT Council adopts Official Plan Amendment No. 65, as amended, to establish the Main Street and Dundas Street South Secondary Plan, and that the adopted Official Plan Amendment be submitted to the Regional Municipality of Waterloo for approval;

    AND THAT Council is satisfied that a subsequent public meeting in accordance with subsection 17(15) of the Planning Act is not required;

    AND FURTHER THAT the attached by-law is passed.

  • Amendment:
    Moved byCouncillor Hamilton
    Seconded byCouncillor Earnshaw

    AND THAT Council adopts Official Plan Amendment No. 65, as amended, to establish the Main Street and Dundas Street South Secondary Plan, and that the adopted Official Plan Amendment be submitted to the Regional Municipality of Waterloo for approval as attached in Appendix 'A' to report 24-053-CD;

    In Favour (7)Councillor Devine, Councillor Hamilton, Councillor Ermeta, Councillor Cooper, Councillor Kimpson, Councillor Earnshaw, and Councillor Roberts
    Opposed (1)Mayor Liggett
    Absent (1)Councillor Shwery
    Carried (7 to 1)
  • Motion:24-242
    Moved byCouncillor Hamilton
    Seconded byCouncillor Devine

    THAT Report 24-053-CD – Addendum – Proposed Official Plan Amendment for Main Street and Dundas Street South Secondary Plan be received;

    AND THAT Report 23-261-CD – Recommendation Report – Proposed Official Plan Amendment for Main Street and Dundas Street South Secondary Plan included as Appendix A be received;

    AND THAT Council adopts Official Plan Amendment No. 65, as amended, to establish the Main Street and Dundas Street South Secondary Plan, and that the adopted Official Plan Amendment be submitted to the Regional Municipality of Waterloo for approval as attached in Appendix 'A' to report 24-053-CD;

    AND THAT Council is satisfied that a subsequent public meeting in accordance with subsection 17(15) of the Planning Act is not required;

    AND FURTHER THAT the attached by-law is passed.

    In Favour (7)Councillor Devine, Councillor Hamilton, Councillor Ermeta, Councillor Cooper, Councillor Kimpson, Councillor Earnshaw, and Councillor Roberts
    Opposed (1)Mayor Liggett
    Absent (1)Councillor Shwery
    Carried (7 to 1)
  • Motion:24-243
    Moved byCouncillor Hamilton
    Seconded byCouncillor Kimpson

    THAT Report 24-094-CD Recommendation Report for Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment - 1045 and 1085 Main Street be received;

    AND THAT Council adopts Official Plan Amendment No. 85 to amend Site Specific Policy 8.10.99 to permit a 16 storey apartment building with a maximum Floor Space Index of 2.7, and that the adopted Official Plan Amendment be submitted to the Regional Municipality of Waterloo for approval;

    AND THAT Council approves the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment to amend Site Specific zoning S.4.1.441(5) to permit a maximum building height of 16 storeys and a maximum density of 220 units per hectare;

    AND THAT Council advise the Regional Municipality of Waterloo that the City of Cambridge recommends approval of the proposed modification to the draft approved Plan of Subdivision 30T-20104;

    AND THAT Council is satisfied that the requirements for a public meeting in accordance with subsections 17(15) and 34(17) of the Planning Act have been met;

    AND FURTHER THAT the By-laws attached to report 24-094-CD be passed. 

    In Favour (8)Councillor Devine, Mayor Liggett, Councillor Hamilton, Councillor Ermeta, Councillor Cooper, Councillor Kimpson, Councillor Earnshaw, and Councillor Roberts
    Absent (1)Councillor Shwery
    Carried (8 to 0)


  • Motion:24-244
    Moved byCouncillor Earnshaw
    Seconded byCouncillor Roberts

    THAT all presentations and correspondence from the September 3, 2024, Council meeting be received.

    In Favour (8)Councillor Devine, Mayor Liggett, Councillor Hamilton, Councillor Ermeta, Councillor Cooper, Councillor Kimpson, Councillor Earnshaw, and Councillor Roberts
    Absent (1)Councillor Shwery
    Carried (8 to 0)
  • Motion:24-245
    Moved byCouncillor Cooper
    Seconded byCouncillor Ermeta

    THAT the following by-laws listed under the heading of Introduction and Consideration of By-laws be enacted and passed:

    24-083 Being a by-law to exempt certain lots or blocks pursuant to subsection 50(5) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, as amended (Part Lot Control Exemption) – Part of Blocks 180 and 181 on Registered Plan 58M-684 and Blocks 102, 107 and 108 on Registered Plan of Subdivision 58M-685

    24-084 Being a by-law to adopt Amendment No. 65 of the City of Cambridge Official Plan (2012), as amended with respect to the Main Street and Dundas Street South Secondary Plan

    24-085 Being a by-law to adopt Amendment No. 85 of the City of Cambridge Official Plan (2012), as amended with respect to land municipally known as part of 1045 Main Street and Part of 1085 Main Street, Cambridge

    24-086 Being a by-law to amend Zoning By-law No. 150-85, as amended with respect to land municipally known as part of 1045, 1085 Main Street, Cambridge

    In Favour (7)Councillor Devine, Councillor Hamilton, Councillor Ermeta, Councillor Cooper, Councillor Kimpson, Councillor Earnshaw, and Councillor Roberts
    Opposed (1)Mayor Liggett
    Absent (1)Councillor Shwery
    Carried (7 to 1)
  • Motion:24-246
    Moved byCouncillor Ermeta
    Seconded byCouncillor Devine

    That By-Law 24-087 being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the City of Cambridge be passed.

    In Favour (8)Councillor Devine, Mayor Liggett, Councillor Hamilton, Councillor Ermeta, Councillor Cooper, Councillor Kimpson, Councillor Earnshaw, and Councillor Roberts
    Absent (1)Councillor Shwery
    Carried (8 to 0)
  • Motion:24-247
    Moved byCouncillor Kimpson
    Seconded byCouncillor Hamilton

    THAT the Council meeting does now adjourn at 7:31 p.m.

    In Favour (8)Councillor Devine, Mayor Liggett, Councillor Hamilton, Councillor Ermeta, Councillor Cooper, Councillor Kimpson, Councillor Earnshaw, and Councillor Roberts
    Absent (1)Councillor Shwery
    Carried (8 to 0)
No Item Selected