THAT Report 24-040-CRS Tender Award for Recreation Complex be received;
AND THAT Request for Tender #T24-66 General Contractor - Recreation Complex & Idea Exchange - Construction Services be awarded to Melloul-Blamey Construction Inc. of Waterloo, ON, in the amount of $94,220,000, exclusive of HST.
AND THAT additional funding for A/00463-41 Recreation Complex Construction be approved in the amount of $2,582,700 from Development Charges debt, $496,800 from tax supported debt and $154,100 from Development Charges Reserve Funds Library for a total increase of $3,233,600, in order to complete this project.
AND THAT Council pre-approve project A/00643-40 Park Development Southpoint (Bosdale) in the amount of $1,205,000, to fund the community park development scope that is to be included in the base construction contract, to be funded by $1,125,000 from Development Charges Parks and Recreation and $80,000 from Contribution from Others (School Boards).
AND FURTHER THAT staff be directed to work with Melloul-Blamey Construction to achieve construction cost savings, wherever feasible, that do not result in substantially altering the building program or building performance from the tendered project specifications.