THAT Report 23-106-CRS Citizen Appointment to Advisory Committees be received;
AND THAT Confidential Appendices B, C and D to Report 23-106-CRS be received and remain confidential;
AND THAT the following individual be appointed to the Accessibility Advisory Committee for the term of Council ending November 14, 2026, Connie Cody;
AND THAT the following individual be appointed to the Cycling and Trails Advisory Committee for the term of Council ending November 14, 2026, Renee Billiau;
AND THAT the individuals listed in Confidential Appendix D to report 23-106-CRS be appointed to the Youth Advisory Committee for the term of Council ending November 14, 2026;
AND THAT the City Clerk be directed to notify all successful and unsuccessful applicants;
AND FURTHER THAT Council Appointed Citizen Members to the City’s advisory committees, who do not hand in their signed Code of Conduct form within the first month after their appointment has been made, shall forfeit their membership on the committee to which they have been appointed.